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Ok play time is over! The holidays with my family were amazing. Awesome food. Lots of whiskey. But enough is enough! I am a fitness coach dammit and I need to get back on track.

Don’t be alarmed, its just a little tough love for myself LOL. But seriously it is totally time to step up the game for the new year. Each year I accomplish something new in my fitness and get to help more people…this year will be NO DIFFERENT.

Each year people make resolutions to save money, lose weight, quit smoking, etc. and never follow through. That is why I am on a mission to start a REVOLUTION. One in which we make goals, we motivate each other, hold each other accountable, see each other to the end! That part is easy really with my private accountability groups.

But here is my dilemma I can decide between programs to start the year. I just finished 10 weeks of Focus T25 and I loved it, so naturally I want to complete Shaun T’s newest masterpiece Insanity Max:30. 30 minute workout, five days a week, and hardcore results. Check it out here http://youtu.be/aQ556KtNva0

Now as awesome as I KNOW Insanity: Max 30 will be (How do I know? I completed the original Insanity and his Focus T25) I also want to try 21 Day FIX! It comes with IT’S OWN PORTION CONTROLLED containers…HAIL YEAH!! Everybody knows that diet is 80% of weight loss and maintenance. Check it out here http://youtu.be/O_5g5rh1ezY What makes it harder to decide is that you can lose 10lbs in 21 days!! I feel like it is short enough to keep my attention but I can achieve maximum results UGH!!

I don’t have a specific amount of weight to lose. To be honest my overall goals are just to be healthy and SMOKING EFFN HOT this summer. I have a lot of vacations to look good on! Just kidding…not really! LOL I’m thirty and sassy by default but I have to work at the sexy continuously LOL!! So help me decide and comment below with which you think I should complete, Please and Thank you!!

Do you have any goals? What are they? Interested in joining our January group click here http://ashlanrae.automaticceo.com/go10

They are super fun and everyone gets great results. Definitely something to consider if you have problems sticking to programs and get bored easily!!

Thanks for reading…NOW help me CHOOSE!

